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10 x business success on facebook

Tips for business succes on Facebook

10 x business success on facebook

With almost ten million Dutch users, Facebook is a gigantic platform. A platform that is still very useful for companies to establish themselves and build a strong relationship with their customers. The extent to which Facebook is used by both the users and enterprises, means that it can be challenging to be seen, especially for smaller companies.

A while ago someone pointed out this article to me (sorry, it’s Dutch and stupid), and my natural reaction was a well known, facepalm. Facebook has indeed an algorithm, and the organic range of a business page can be low (16 percent or lower). However, he forgets to mention that the algorithm may also be true for private profiles. Take a good look at your friends list, bet you have missed a lot of updates from “friends”? And sometimes that is a good thing. Already for years I ignore kill-joys from my friends’ list and people who share the quiz results all day (what do they do all day?) I put them on my acquaintances list. Solved!

In addition, private life and work life should be separated. Many people are only barely aware of the lack of privacy (NL), let alone scratching their heads a couple of times before sharing their childhood pictures publicly (his suggestion for a private group is fortunately not so crazy!).

There are many practical reasons to go for a business page. Think insights, advertising, retargeting visitors, the fact that outsiders can follow your page without sending a friend request. And yes, a clever Facebook user will not accept your friend request from your company, and why will someone share his personal life with your business?

Of course, entrepreneurs identify themselves with their work. But do all your private relationships therefore have to be constantly confronted with your business and the activities of your business? You may wonder what the long-term effect will be when your own private network is getting fed up with you, and starts to ignore your private profile.

“In short: Your Social Media profile Private actually says it all; it’s private. If you do not want to pay for a few post-boosts or highly targeted online advertising (as this is possible with Facebook) then you have to ask very different questions. Facebook is simply not free.

To make things all a little bit easier, we’ve put together ten rules for small businesses. The company’s page is of course number one.

Tip 1. Create a Facebook business page

It may sound obvious, but budding entrepreneurs regularly create, whether by mistake or not, a personal profile page for their brand new business. However, this is against the rules of Facebook and hence you miss the very useful tools that Facebook offers for businesses.

Tip 2. Provide an attractive business description

Communicate clearly and concisely what your business offers and what you stand for. This is important for recognition and to give a professional impression. It is certainly a good idea to let a professional copywriter handle this. Do not forget to mention how people can contact you outside Facebook ! Many company profiles don’t include this information.

Tip 3. Choose a suitable profile picture

Provide an image that displays your company in a recognizable way. If you organized your business well, you designed your logo from the beginning (or had it designed) and make sure it also appears clear and beautiful in thumbnail format.

Tip 4. Keep it personal and relevant

Social media are called social for a good reason. Administering a business page does not mean your communications must be impersonal or distant. Give your business a personality and do not be afraid to show the people behind your company or team. This really plays a key role in building trust between your business and your customers, and keeps your audience interested. Create your own identity, but be sufficiently relevant.

Tip 5. Be active and take care of interaction

To be and stay visible, likes and shares are needed. For this purpose it is important to post daily messages. These do not have to be anytime marketing messages, but simply interesting or funny updates. Tip: respond on the topics that are current at that point of time in your field, and ask your followers for their opinion. This creates a personal dialogue.

Tip 6. But not TOO active

Just be careful you do not bombard your followers with messages. More than two to four messages per day are experienced as annoying and causes your audience to be less prepared to interact.

Tip 7. Provide visual communication

A excess of text can be deadly. People often scroll quite quickly through their timeline, and images are much more noticed than plain text. Research has shown that messages containing images are often more liked and shared.

Tip 8. Respond appropriately to complaints

Nobody is perfect and sooner or later you might get a negative comment or complaint about your business. Reply here in a timely manner and offer an adequate solution. Not only will you satisfy the complaining customer, but also the rest of your audience will see how you solve problems. This creates trust.

Tip 9. Place ads

The opinions about paid advertisements are divided. People indicate that they are not keen on ads. But the power of Facebook lies in selecting the most specific possible target group. Thus, your ads still reach users who are interested and are triggered faster by your offer. And besides, you can decide how often your ad is displayed, so it is also an affordable option for smaller companies.

Tip 10. Watch your stats

Facebook offers an extensive insight into your audience. You see the size and structure of your followers, your potential reach, how active users interact with your messages, and much more. Immerse yourself in it, so that you know exactly what makes your public tick. It also lets you adjust your communication strategy more directly and shows whether those changes have the desired effect.


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